
How to Make Stuff Happen


Oh, it’s a beautiful view just as you are waking up to see such nature right outside of your tent.
Photo by feeltoep on Unsplash

I’m reading a book called, “Tiny Habits” by BJ Fogg. I forget who recommended it to me, but it was probably a result of the coursework I have undertaken at

I have always been a work in progress. Some things I have accomplished in my life were really hard to do and flat out took years to happen. Like quitting smoking was a huge thing. In all the attempts I made to quit smoking, and there were hundreds of them, I felt bad about each one that failed. I had failed again and again and never could get anything right. Unfortunately, I felt that way about a lot of things I did in my life. Directly after I quit smoking for good, never again would I light a cigarette again I realized something. I realized that all those times I had quit before were preludes to the final time I would stay smoke-free. They were all necessary for the final act of being free of cigarettes. I regret only that I thought I had failed so often. Who knows that my life might have been different had I not beaten myself up about it so much?




Pauline Evanosky: writer, psychic, channel

I talk to dead guys. I have been a psychic channel since 1993. I love to write and hope you enjoy what I write about. Based in Oakland, California.