I’m Wearing a New Outfit

Did Anybody Notice?

A picture of a beautiful iris. One of my favorite flowers. It is graceful and sinuous, sulky and holy all at the same time.
Photo by Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash

Since I first selected my design settings at Medium my pages have, what I had hoped to be a beige/pinkish tinge with a basic black font. Sort of a basic combination that I hoped would not intrude or distract from the reading experience. Since whatever reading activity I have at the moment is negligible, although I keep hoping I will have more of a following as time goes by, I just selected a new background color more in keeping with the smoky banner that had appealed to me back when. The color is: C5C5ED in Hex speak.

It was just time for a change.

I’ve always been attracted to the colors purple and lilac. One of my favorite flowers is the iris. I tried out my new PhotoShop !!!! and cut a bit out of a picture of the iris below by James Morden from Unsplash. Just where the petal gets interesting in the middle of the picture and slightly rotated. That is going to be my new header picture. It’s a little more energetic than the smoky haze I had before.

Photo by James Morden on Unsplash

I snagged 2 free cookbooks from Amazon Kindle via weberbooks.com. If you are interested, they send out a daily email as a reminder to check to see what freebies are…



Pauline Evanosky: writer, psychic, channel

I talk to dead guys. I have been a psychic channel since 1993. I love to write and hope you enjoy what I write about. Based in Oakland, California.