Member-only story
My Soap Operas
Now on Netflix
In my entire life, I can’t say that I’ve ever been hooked on soap operas. For most of my adult life, I worked, so watching soaps never entered into any sort of equation in my life. In those days, we were generally not able to record shows on our televisions, and there was no such thing as the Internet. The shows were on in the mornings, and that’s when I was at work.
The only person I ever knew who watched soaps was my great-grandmother Neddie. As she got older, she would visit my grandparents and later my family, who all lived in different time zones. She would get confused. Religiously, she sat in a rocker and watched her soaps at specific times during the day. When these shows aired on different channels and at different times, she would get terribly confused. The confusion she experienced was so great she mixed her shows up and wondered why an actor or actress on The Edge of Night was now on Search for Tomorrow.
My mother never watched soaps, and I never caught the bug.
That has all changed.
Recently, I began watching foreign films on Netflix. Netflix will offer up more of what they think you are interested in watching based on your viewing habits. This last week I started noticing all these Korean shows being suggested. They were not movies but had lots of episodes. I was…