Stupid Keyboard

It was working. Then it wasn’t.


Created by the Author in Canva. Can you tell my skills are improving? Not.

It happened quickly. It was fully functional between one moment and the next, and then it wasn’t. What do you do when your keyboard craps out? It wasn’t even smoking.

My first thought was that maybe it was the batteries. To be certain, I turned the puppy over and hit the on/off switch several times:

On. Off. On. Off. On. Off. On. Off. On.

Nothing was happening.

Then, the little green battery light came on.

Ah, action.

Then, it went off.


I went into the kitchen and found two new batteries. Rather than chucking the old ones into my used battery jar, I set them aside just in case. Now, I can’t find them. Oh, wait. They are in my robe pocket. It’s like, let’s not throw out the directions before we have thoroughly read and understood them.

Who do you think I am? Nobody puts directions in anything now, anyway, and if they are there, they are too small to read.

After I had replaced the batteries, the keyboard still didn’t work.


I discovered that I could still go online, but I couldn’t type. I still had access to my mouse, so I went into my settings to see…



Pauline Evanosky: writer, psychic, channel

I talk to dead guys. I have been a psychic channel since 1993. I love to write and hope you enjoy what I write about. Based in Oakland, California.