When It’s His Idea, It’s Just Better

Thoughts From a Long Married


Hot Pot — Photo by Kenzo Tu on Unsplash

Okay, ladies and gentlemen. Nobody is equal. It just does not work that way. There can be declared equality in a couple, but believe me, somebody in that relationship is going to be the boss.

I’m not saying the other person is an underdog or a minion, but what they bring to the table is not nearly as dramatic as the other one. In short, you complement each other. It all gets smoothed out in the name of love and everybody has their own story, but basically? Yeah, there’s a top dog somewhere on the pile.

Learning, or rather acceptance comes when you realize things are not equal and you begin the happy trail of figuring out how to make it work regardless. This is a spiritual path of acceptance or of accepting what is and being happy about it. It’s one of those life hacks that comes in handy.

My solution as to how to get my husband from shooting down new ideas even before I’d finished my proposal was to depend upon the expertise of others. In those days, before the Internet came to life, it was friends, my mother, co-workers, neighbors, or in a pinch, magazines. Now, I use the folks who write at Medium.

So, here’s me, “Dennis we should make a hot pot for dinner.”



Pauline Evanosky: writer, psychic, channel

I talk to dead guys. I have been a psychic channel since 1993. I love to write and hope you enjoy what I write about. Based in Oakland, California.