You, Too, Can Be a Psychic

It’s Really Not That Hard


Photo by Joshua Bayliss on Unsplash

I know I’ve talked about this before, but it’s a big part of my identity. Being psychic is not mysterious. It is not something that is a gift for some people and denied to others.

We all can connect to Spirit on different levels, so if you think that being psychic means this and only this, you are wrong.

It does, however, require you to be fearless. It requires that you are able to be childlike. It requires that you not be so dogmatic that these rules are the only rules for living.

I am reminded of people I know who did or said something only to have others in total disbelief say, “Oh, they would never have said that. Or, “They would never have done that.” To be stifling.

Statements like that prevent the flowering of spirit, so if you’ve got anybody like that in your life right now and would like to pursue whatever psychic abilities you have, expect them to have something to say about it.

Or don’t tell them.

I know that is the easiest way out, but I am also a very private person. Not always, and if I find kindred spirits, I will certainly talk about the psychic stuff that goes on in my life ad nauseam.



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